Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'd like to say, for the record, that the world finally has hope.
Yesterday, two goodlooking, tall LOCAL guys entered our shop. Can you believe it? ME! Finding cute local guys. Unfortunately, they look too coiffed, that even calling them metrosexuals are an understatement. Sad to say, we declared them to be gay. As the saying goes, "all goodlooking guys are either married or gay." There was another cute local guy but he was short.

When I went out to do something I have no recollection of, I saw this other cute asian guy.
Ate a fortune cookie and guess what it said "Today is the day you will have the oppurtunity to be fated with the ones you want to meet."

Nikki! Sorry for not talking to you too much when you can over. I was really sleepy.>.<

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